Source code for cabu.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


    Cabu is a simple microservice framework to crawl websites.

    :copyright: (c) 2015 by Théotime Leveque.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE_FILE for more details.

import sys
import os
from ftpretty import ftpretty
from six import string_types
from flask import Flask
from cabu.drivers import load_driver, load_vdisplay
from cabu.drivers import unload_driver, unload_vdisplay
from cabu.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from cabu.utils.bucket import Bucket
from cabu.utils.cookies import CookieStorage

[docs]class Cabu(Flask): def __init__(self, import_name=__package__, db=None, *args, **kwargs): """Cabu main class, acts as a WSGI interface. It overrides Flask to include the config, the Selenium WebDriver, the Database, eventually an S3 bucket and a FTP. Args: import_name (str): Same as for Flask initialization. db (Optional[object]): The database driver class. Defaults to None. Returns: object: A Flask instance plus Cabu specific attributes. """ super(Cabu, self).__init__(import_name, **kwargs) settings_path = os.environ.get('CABU_SETTINGS', 'cabu.default_settings') self.load_config(settings_path) if db: if 'DATABASE_URI' not in self.config: if db.__name__ == 'PyMongo': default_uri = 'mongodb://localhost/%s' % else: raise ConfigurationException( 'Unknown database missing DATABASE_URI setting.' ) self.config['DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ.get( 'DATABASE_URI', default_uri ) mongo = db(self, config_prefix='DATABASE') with self.app_context(): self.db = mongo.db self.cookies = CookieStorage(self.db) if self.config.get('S3_BUCKET'): self.bucket = Bucket( self.config['S3_BUCKET'], self.config['S3_ACCESS_KEY'], self.config['S3_SECRET_KEY'] ) if self.config.get('FTP_HOST'): self.ftp = ftpretty( self.config['FTP_HOST'], self.config['FTP_LOGIN'], self.config['FTP_PASSWORD'] ) self.vdisplay = load_vdisplay(self.config) self.webdriver = load_driver(self.config, self.vdisplay) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, 'ftp'): self.ftp.close() if hasattr(self, 'webdriver'): unload_driver(self.webdriver) if hasattr(self, 'vdisplay'): unload_vdisplay(self.vdisplay) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover if hasattr(self, 'ftp'): self.ftp.close() if hasattr(self, 'webdriver'): unload_driver(self.webdriver) if hasattr(self, 'vdisplay'): unload_vdisplay(self.vdisplay) super(Cabu, self).__exit__(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ['webdriver', 'db', 'ftp', 'bucket']: raise AttributeError('Cabu was initialized without a %s.' % name) else: raise AttributeError
[docs] def load_config(self, settings='cabu.default_settings'): """Get the given settings module to create a config dict in the class. All variables defined in upper case in the settings module are imported in the directory and overrided by the corresponding environment variables. Args: settings (Optional[str]): A module path where stands the settings. """ if isinstance(settings, string_types): import_name = str(settings) try: __import__(import_name) except ImportError as e: if '.' not in import_name: raise ImportError(e) else: for key in dir(sys.modules[import_name]): if key.isupper(): self.config[key] = getattr( sys.modules[import_name], key ) # are overriden by Env vars. for key in self.config.keys(): if key.isupper() and key in os.environ: if os.environ[key] == 'True': self.config[key] = True elif os.environ[key] == 'False': self.config[key] = False else: self.config[key] = os.environ[key]