.. _contribute: Contribute ============ Any contribution to this project is more than welcomed ! As small or big as they are, contributions are what will make this project better. There is still a lot to do : reporting bugs, proposing fixes, new features, helping with the documentation... If it's your first contribution, no worries. As long as you follow the guidelines, everything is going to be fine :) Open an issue ------------- If you spot a bug or want to propose an enhancement, you can open an issue on Github. Please make sure to avoid duplicates and explain clearly what is your need. Coding guidelines ----------------- This project wants to stay close to the standard and was inspired by Flask_, Eve_ and Requests_ code quality. My advice would be to follow Flask styleguide_ and to respect flake8. Creating a pull request ----------------------- - Fork the project - Install dev dependencies and package - checkout a new branch based on dev - (Soon optional) Install Docker tools - Make your change and run the test suite in a container - Be sure to respect flake8 conventions - Run the entire test suite before commiting - If your commit fixes an open issue, reference it in the commit message (#15). - Commit with a proper commit message - Open a PR using this description structure - Travis (CI) will run on your branch - If the PR is accepted, it will be merged into the dev branch and then released. .. _Flask: http://flask.pocoo.org/ .. _Eve: http://python-eve.org .. _Requests: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ .. _styleguide: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/styleguide/