Source code for cabu.utils.cookies

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[docs]class CookieStorage(object): """Interface between Cookies and Database. Args: db (Database): The Database class instance to wrap. """ def __init__(self, db): self.db = db
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value of the given cookie key. Args: key (str): The name of the cookie key to retrieve. Returns: value (str): The value of the key or None if undefined. """ # if callable(getattr(self.db, 'find')): return self.db.cookies.find_one({key: {'$exists': True}})
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """Set the value of the defined cookie key. Args: key (str): The name of the cookie key to set. value (str): The value associated to the cookie key to set. Returns: raw_result (str): The result of the attempt to store the cookie. """ r = self.db.cookies.replace_one({key: {'$exists': True}}, {key: value}, upsert=True) return r.raw_result
[docs] def delete(self, key): """Delete the value of the given cookie key. Args: key (str): The name of the cookie key to delete. Returns: raw_result (str): The result of the attempt to delete the cookie. """ return self.db.cookies.remove({key: {'$exists': True}})
[docs] def clean(self): """Delete all the cookies stored in the database. Returns: raw_result (str): The result of the cleaning. """ return self.db.cookies.remove({})